Wednesday, June 29, 2022

New bumper issue of Northwords Now is out with a couple of my poems in it. Always a pleasure to have work in Northwords Now which is freely distributed across Scotland and every edition fully available to read online which you can access here. Lots of poems, short stories, non-fiction writing and book reviews from across Scotland, a fab read! 

So, Look to the Crocus is due to be published spring next year and my manuscript is now pretty much ready for publication. It's nice to be able to sit the ms aside for a sort of resting period which means I can go back to it closer to publication with fresh eyes. 

This also means I have the sort of feeling of a blank slate in front of me for new writing...!


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Thank you for the link to Northwords, Marion. That'll fill in the interludes between Wimbledon matches! Congrats on getting the ms to the publishable stage. Surely a sense of relief and achievement. Have a good 'summer' (we live in Dunoon, so that can only ever be 'quoted'!) YAM xx

Marion McCready said...

Thank you! Yes, fingers crossed there's a bit more sun to come!! Xx