Friday, November 21, 2008

For fun, my very first Fib!

A 6 line, 20 syllable poem. The number of syllables in each line follow the Fibonacchi sequence (1,1,2,3,5,8). Check them out here.

beached weed;
of high tide highlights
the otherwise white pebble shore.

Good fun to write, I could see this becoming quite addictive.
Go on, give it a go, you know you want to!


James Owens said...

Your first? I've never written a Fib (well, many fibs, yes, but not the poem sort), but I have read a lot of them (true), including somebody's book which is all Fibs. Honestly, this is one of the best I've seen. Really marvelous work with sound that lifts it above the usual casual off-handedness of the form.... and the theme and sound seem to remain definitely yours.

Marion McCready said...

I'd never heard of it, didn't realise it was proper form! thankyou james, I think you may have persuaded me to start writing lots of fibs!

Dominic Rivron said...

A good fib. It's great when you can make a strict form fit the shape of a poem like this.

Marion McCready said...

thanks dominic, a bit of fun!

SarahJane said...

i like it. neat form.
will check out the link.

swiss said...

nice one. it's a slippery slope tho, once you starting getting into these...!

Marion McCready said...

hi sarahjane, some good one's at the link, I really like the Simon Barraclough one.

hi swiss, yes, lol!

Dave King said...

Yes, such stuff can be great fun. Do you know of the Oulipo movement, by any chance. There's an organisation, a compendium - you name it, they've got it. They go overboard on such things. The name was derived from Ouvroir de litterature Potentielle. If such things fascinate, it might be worth your while to look them up - b ut don't get carried away!

Marion McCready said...

I've heard of it dave but not really my thing, the odd fib is okay though!

Anonymous said...

Very cool. Must have a go. I like yours very much.

Marion McCready said...

thanks, I'm glad you like it, I'd like to see yours!