Monday, April 22, 2013

Nineteen poems in twenty-two days, the majority of them draftable and some even fully formed. I'm calling it a day on NaPoWriMo. I'm very happy with what I've written but I've run out of steam now and I'm stopping before it becomes an utter drudge. Lots of short imagistic poems, lots of playful pieces and a few experiments. I've thoroughly enjoyed the push to write daily and I've had fun writing the poems I've written. Now to redraft and send them out! 


Anonymous said...

I think that's an intelligent plan. Congratulations on achieving so much and I look forward to finding them in magazines and anthologies soon! Perhaps you should mark them with a miniscule, secret napowrimo symbol so that we all know of their origin!

Marion McCready said...

thankyou! now that could be fun... :)

Roxana said...

oh looking forward to all of them :-)

Marion McCready said...

they are all on my private blog that I added you to :)

Roxana said...

yes, it had dawned on me that they might be there after all so i checked this morning, but i haven't had time to leave any comments yet :-)

Titus said...

Cripes! Well done!

And can you send me that invite again now that both my arms are working...

swiss said...

and now you're sending them out!! chapeau!! lol

Marion McCready said...

no time like the present!