Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Birthdays, anniversaries, shopping, wrapping, baking, nativity plays, parties... it sure is a busy time!
So here's a wee Merry Christmas to you all and a seasonal excerpt from my favourite poetry collection purchase of 2011, Ashes for Breakfast by Durs Grünbein.

From 'Greetings From Oblivion City' -

"My friends, it is winter here, a pleasant 70 in the shade.
A wind blows off the coastal hills, ruffling
The hair dryer that sits atop the city like a yellow smog.
Sometimes you can see miles into the distance, which

Diminishes the belief in an otherworld. If the hereafter is here,
Then everyone can melt away into thin air.
You encounter the one season spread over four quarters.
Scanning the horizon, you are surprised to see no rainbow.

By January, at the latest, the least observant of observers
Will have noticed that the trees are evergreen here in Eden. Turn
Show your best side, among all these hot grilles.
You won't escape it, life in a solarium."


Titus said...

Swaying under the burdens myself here, but Merry Christmas one and all! Class snowman and snowmaiden.

Marion McCready said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours and thankyou very much for the card!!! Most of mine are still waiting to be written... so organised you are (said in my best Yoda voice!) :))

Gordon Mason said...

And a guid yule tae you n yours.

come the thaw
the snowman wears his heart
on his feet

Marion McCready said...

thanks Gordon, and to you! I love the snowman lines!! :)