Monday, April 14, 2008

No More NaPoWriMo

With a sick baby, a house that won't clean itself and visitors due to arrive I'm afraid NaPoWriMo is done with for this year.

Thanks to all those who followed my posts and encouraged me to keep going over the last fortnight.


swiss said...

no luck.hope the wee man is fine

Marion McCready said...

thanks swiss, just a bad cold but means constant attention and sleepless nights, aah the joys!

An Honest Man said...

Ach, get the visitors to clean the house! You look after the wee fellow.

Marion McCready said...

lol, sounds like a plan!

Dave King said...

Really sorry you are having to leave us. hope it is only temporarily. All the very best to both of you - and thanks for all the support and feedback. Good luck.

Frances said...

All the stuff people tell you (and you get sick of hearing) about 'he'll soon be asking to borrow the car keys' is sadly true. But in the meantime its hard work and he does look very, very small!

Marion McCready said...

thanks dave and frances, perhaps I'll join in the last lap of napowrimo, I'll see how thing go here

swiss said...

last lap you say?here'ssomething to get you started ;)

Post Removed
(a found poem consisting of the fragments of sorlil’s napowrimo posts)

A fishing boat and a yacht
share the open sea
my ears are bleeding
with poetry
Looking beyond
a rook flies
over sand banks,
over us
clouds nestle
in the Kilcreggan hills
at my back in neon purple
floats the Parthenon temple
it's all I had time for

Damp city streets,
let us walk
the highway to the sea.
Do not stop,
there is no turning back,
Above my head a tower
of sandstone,

Wenn's regnet und die Sonne scheint,
so schlägt der Teufel seine Großmutter:
er lacht und sie weint

The Clyde is alive
with light,
blue-grey waves ride
into sun-glazed white,
a found poem.
Today was a struggle,
the grass is clean with dew,
a pool of green surrounds.
The hills are deep in snow,
the buds are fattening
on the blossom trees.
Castle Sands.
All I see is daffodils
in the dying light of day

(post removed)

Marion McCready said...

ha ha nice one!!